
Mike Birbiglia (Oct. 2009)
Hayes Carll (Nov. 2011)
Mike Cooley (Feb. 2011)
Mike Cooley and Patterson Hood (Dec. 2011)
Mike Daisey (March 2013)

Matt Damon (Aug. 2015)
Alejandro Escovedo (July 2008)
Ira Glass (March 2008)
Murry Hammond (Sept. 2008)
Patterson Hood (May 2008) (Jan. 2010)
Nick Hornby (Sept. 2009) Part One Part Two

Ron Howard (May 2017)

Greg Kotis (July 2015)
Jon Langford Oct. 2007 and June 2008

Justin Lin (May 2016)

Lydia Loveless (May 2014)
Aimee Mann (Jan. 2008)
Marc Maron (June 2013)
Rhett Miller (Oct. 2012)

Edward Norton (Oct. 2019)
Patton Oswalt (Feb. 2009)

Simon Pegg (July 2016)
Lou Reed (April 2008) (mere excerpts)
Josh Ritter (Oct. 2007)

Henry Rollins in Sept. 2008 and Feb. 2011 and Nov. 2012
Matthew Sweet (Oct. 2011)

Kip Thorne (Nov. 2014)
Jeff Tweedy (June 2009)
Frederick Wiseman (Nov. 2010)